My best friend when I'm feeling like this is good old Vicks VapoRub. Is there anything better in the entire world? I think not.
I perused the internet this weekend looking for home remedies and came across one that swears if you slather Vicks on your feet at night and then put on socks, it will stop you from coughing. I am not ashamed to admit I tried this....I was desperate...and my family was starting to look at me like they might stuff a pillow over my face if I didn't stop the coughing madness...and either it worked, or the other home remedy...a tbsp of Vodka mixed with a tbsp of honey...worked.
But I digress...back to my "Ode to Vicks". Not only do those soothing, medicated vapors help relieve coughing and congestion (I sound like a commercial here, don't I?), but the mere smell brings back so many childhood memories.
I remember at the first sign of sniffles, my mom would slather me up with Vicks VapoRub (I still reel from the time she put a dab under my nose and it burned like fire for what seemed like a week...I still bare the emotional scars of that debacle), haul out the electric steam vaporizer, pour in some Vicks VapoSteam liquid, set it up beside my bed, shut the door, and I'd be out for the night, surrounded by the heavenly aroma of mentholyptus.
Now, this would never pass muster for today's children. First, it was HOT water...beside the bed, or...gasp...on the dresser where it could be pulled down and scald a child...all very valid safety concerns, but somehow we managed to survive these deathtraps. I even used the very same deathtrap vaporizer when my own girls were small. Guessing I'm probably not "Mother of the Year" material.