Friday, November 5, 2010

Wilton Cake Decorating - Course 1 - FINAL CLASS

Final Cake - Wilton Beginner's Course
We finally had the final class of our Wilton Beginner's Cake Decorating....the dreaded "Rose Class".  We were instructed to bring our baked, filled, iced cakes to class, along with whatever color icings we'd want to use to decorate.  Okay, I admit it, I was lazy...string me up...I don't care!!  It was Halloween, and I was soooo over making TONS of icing every I just wimped out and made white icing for my decorations.  I like to think I wasn't actually lazy, but rather going for an elegent, minimalist looking cake.  Yeah, that's the ticket...

Wilton Ribbon Rose (Meg's cake)
Anyway, got to class and to our surprise half of the students didn't show up.  The instructor told us that always happens with the last class.  Seriously?  You go through all of this and then don't show up for the last class because you're intimidated by little icing roses?  Puhleeeeeze.    We worked on our writing skills, practiced this and that, and then it was time to make the rose.  We first learned the Ribbon Rose, which you can see in this picture.  This was Meg's cake, and as you can see, my overachieving daughter did NOT take the wimpy icing route, but instead actually made white, pink and green icing for her last cake.  Sheesh....

Wilton Rose (my cake)

Anyway, the instructor also decided to teach us the Wilton Rose, which I like and chose for my cake.  Of course, my icing was a bit runny, so my roses aren't..ahem..."perky", but you get the idea anyway.   Honestly, the roses aren't that hard, and are pretty forgiving.  There are a zillion youtube videos you can watch to kind of get the idea.  I prefer the Wilton Rose and found it easier than the ribbon rose, but it's just a personal choice. 

Meg's final in class!
Meg's cake really came out the best of anyone's in the class.   Her icing was a good consistency and her colors and design were spot on.  The flowers did fall a bit by the next day, but we think it may have had something to do with the humidity....not sure.  It still looked great though. 

So, we've finished our first course and have the diplomas to prove it!

The next course is Flowers and Cake Design and we're seriously thinking about taking it, but not until after the holidays.  Plus, Meg is about to start finals, so we're putting the brakes on this for now. 

Despite all of my whining about the stinking icing, I'd definitely recommend this class!!


  1. Shannon, the cakes look fabulous, I can see you making the wedding cake now!

  2. Gorgeous cakes! You and Meg have done beautiful work. I still want to know...whatch doing with all those cakes? :)

  3. Wow, awesome cakes! They look so professional. Makes me want to eat some cake!

  4. Both of your cakes look fabulous! I want to take a class after reading about how much you've learned in yours.

  5. Y'all are just amazing! Those cakes look wonderful!!!! I can't wait to hear what you do next!

  6. I'm with all of the above comments, AWESOME! I've seen classes at Michaels when I've been there shopping but never had the nerve to try one. You are inspiring and your cake looks beautiful.

  7. The look amazing. I may end up taking the class after all. Y'all did a fantastic job and it has been fun following the process.

  8. I think learning how to make roses out of frosting sounds like a fun challenge.
